Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

How many calories do you actually burn during a Zumba class? 

Well I made a great investment this weekend and got a Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor with chest strap transmitter that tells me how many calories I burn!  It is awesome!  So on Sunday for Darryl's class (who always goes 1 hr and 15-20 minutes) I burned 820 calories.  Last night's Stacy's class (1 hr) it was 730 calories!  WOW  I was very happy to finally know how much it actually is!  I am going to try to incorporate a day or two of just doing cardio and lifting to mix it up a bit - curious to see how I do on those workout days!

Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor - Women's

My next little discovery this week is a great website Daily Burn (www.dailyburn.com).  It also has an iphone and Android app you can get.  Depending on what you want to achieve it sets goals for calorie intake and exercise.  So I just track everything I eat (they have an extensive list) and it keeps track of my daily intake accurately.  It is such a great reminder of what I am eating ...... I mean do I really want to waste 1/2 of my suggested daily calories on Chic-Fil-A or Starbucks??? I am not going to say that there will be days when the answer is going to be YES!!!!!  For the most part though, it is helping me stay away from all those temptations.  I am a visual person so seeing it right there in front of me is a nice reality check!  You can also track how many glasses of water you are drinking on a daily basis! (If you read my last blog you know why this is a struggle for me).  As it tracks what you are putting in, it also tracks your work out and weight.  So overall it gives you a way to track everything and incorporate the information to give you a daily picture of how you did!  This is good to see when I am having a good day, and keeps me motivated when I had a bad day!

This week I also made some changes to the supplements I am taking and have seen some positive results.  I am just happy that although the change is not happening over night I can definitely see a difference.  My arms are definitely more toned and not as  flabby and my abs are not so pillsbury dough boy like!  Hmmmm maybe what I need to do next is post a picture..... eeek I am not sure if I am ready for that, but it might be a good motivational tool!

Turkey Chili Recipe
1 lb of ground turkey
1 taco mix package
1 package of light ranch mix
1 can of Rotel (depending on how spicy you want it choose which Rotel you want)
2 cans of diced tomatoes
1 can of Kidney beans
I can of Pinto beans
1 bag of frozen corn (you can also use canned corn)

1) Use cooking spray to brown the ground turkey
2) Add the rest of the ingredients in a stock pot
3) Add the ground turkey and cover
4) Let the chili simmer for 30 minutes on medium heat
5) Serve and enjoy!

Roughly 300 calories per serving .... It fills you up and it also is great the next day.  You can also freeze it and eat it later!

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