Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nothing like a little dose of reality to get me back on the wagon .....

I must admit our little fun "Jimmy Buffett" weekend kinda got me out of my schedule and out of my routine.  I already had a doctor's appointment scheduled for last week amist my week of not being "so good" - so I knew I was not going to hear the best of news.  So nothing like being told that your BMI is 34.7 (I need to get it down to 27) and that I am carrying around an extra 17 liters of water to knock me back into reality. 

So he is suggesting a 21 day cleanse to get my body rid of all the toxins.  Apparently I may be toxic at the cellular level - WTH???  It gives me one more thing to worry about.  He told me that doing Zumba is great, but I also have to incorporate weight lifting.  Cristina, you can't be scared of weights!  So now I am kinda back to square one.  Gotta keep my chin up about still making good food choices and not get discouraged, gotta keep up with my water drinking and excercise. 

The biggest question is how is that I am carrying 17 extra liters of water on me???

Fruit of the week:  WATERMELON - enjoy it this summer!

Benefit of eating watermelon:
  • protects against macular degeneration
  • fights heart disease
  • loaded with antioxidants
  • reduces the risk of cancer
  • prevents erectile dysfunction
  • good source of vitamins and minerals

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