Monday, May 9, 2011

LIfestyle Changes are a work in Progress

Yes I am embarking on major lifestyle change.  I think after ten years I can no longer blame those extra pounds on baby weight from Jacob!  I decided that I needed a little bit something extra to help me stay motivated.  It's called accountability and I hope any who read this will help me stay on track on the road to a healthier me!

I have come up with enough excuses to not make time for this important part of my life.  In between my family and my career, it seems like I forgot to make time for a very important person and that is me.  As I have started to incorporate exercising back into my llife, I found that it levels me out and I feel so much happier.  Along with exercise and better nutrition I am going to challenge myself to get back in those skinny skinny jeans.  My sister is getting married next year so I have ten months to do some major remodeling in this 35 year old body. 

I hope that by sharing my journey (the good parts, the hard parts and the bad parts) I will have all of you to keep me on track. 

So here goes ..... I will try to write as often as I can about the challenge up ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Yea!! You can do it! You'll help inspire me along the way too!! :)
